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Raul Chavez Aquino, Fabian Bastin, Maria Benazzouz, and Mohamed Kharrat, 2022: Monte Carlo methods for pricing American. Advances in Modeling and Simulation : Festschrift for Pierre L'Ecuyer. Springer International Publishing AG.
R. Chavez, M. Benazzouz, 2019: Tarification d'options à l'aide du calcul de Malliavin et comparaison avec des approches par réseaux de neurones.
Beltran, R. Chavez, 2012: Cálculo Integral y Aplicaciones 234 págs. Imprimé pour Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.
Y. Silva, K. Takahashi and R. Chavez, 2007: Dry and wet rainy seasons in the Mantaro river basin (Central Peruvian Andes). Accepted by Adv. Geosciences.
Silva, Y; Takahashi, K.; Trasmonte, G.; Cruz, N.; Mosquera, K.; Nickl, E.; Chavez, R.; Segura, B.; Lagos, P., 2007: Variability and Climate Change in the Central Peruvian Andes. Proceedings of the first international conference on the impact of climate change : on high-mountain systems, Bogotá, Colombia. Instituto de Hidrología, Meteorología y Estudios Ambientales IDEAM.
Silva, Y.; Takahashi, K.; Cruz, N.; Trasmonte, G.; Mosquera, K.; Nickl, E.; Chavez, R.; Segura, B.; and P. Lagos, 2006: Variability and climate change in the Mantaro river basin, Central Peruvian Andes. Proceedings of 8 ICSHMO, Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil, April 24-28, 2006, INPE, p. 407-419.
Trasmonte, G.; Silva, Y.; Chavez, R., and B. Segura, 2006: Trends in maximum and minimum temperature in the Central Andes of Peru (Mantaro river basin). Proceedings of 8 ICSHMO, Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil, April 24-28, 2006, INPE, p. 463-468.
Trasmonte, G., Segura, B. and R. Chavez, 2006: Characteristics of Frosts in the Central Andes of Peru (Mantaro Basin) for the last 40 years; In. Price MF (Ed.) Global Change in Mountain Regions. Sapiens Publishing; pp 125- 127.